Monitored Security Perth
Select Security can recommend and install the most suitable alarm monitoring system for your business premises.
We connect your Alarm System with a Perth Monitoring Station to give your Commercial Premises 24/7 Monitored Security. Once you are connected to the monitoring station, you have three flexible response options depending on your situation and budget.
Heighten Security with the Benefits of an Alarm Monitoring System
Team Integration
You can provide up to 5 contact names and phone numbers for after hours emergencies
Your Preferences
Choose your favourite code so you won’t forget it.
Flexible for You
Choose from three comprehensive alarm monitoring options (below)
Multiple Keys
Receive three sets of keys for premises if you select monitoring option 2 or 3
Alarm Monitoring Option One
The standard response in the event of an alarm condition occurring is to advise the nominated after hours contacts on all occasions to seek confirmation regarding the dispatch of a Security Patrol Officer. If the Control Room is unable to contact any of the after hours contacts, a security Patrol Officer will be dispatched to the premises and the attendance will be at the client’s expense. To enable this service to be carried out, the Company requires three (3) sets of keys for the premises and an alarm panel code.
Alarm Monitoring Option Two
The standard response in the event of an alarm condition occurring is to notify the police (2 x sectors only) and to advise the nominated after hours contacts.
Alarm Monitoring Option Three
The standard response in the event of an alarm condition occurring is to notify and dispatch a Security Patrol Officer. The nominated after hours contact will be advised, only following the detection of a break and entry, where the security offered by the alarm system has been reduced or after hours representation has been requested by the police. Patrol attendances will be at the client’s expense. To enable this service to be carried out, the Company requires three (3) sets of keys for the premises and an alarm panel code.

Want to know more about an Alarm Monitoring Station for your Business? Talk to Us Today
Direct Wireless Monitoring
The installation of an alarm system is a fundamental investment in protecting property, plant and possessions. But how valuable is the alarm if nobody’s around to hear it – or worse still the phone lines are sabotaged or cut and your monitoring service provider doesn’t know about it?

DTU3G/IP Mobile Alarm Unit
The DTU 3G/IP is a wireless alarm communicator. It connects to the Australian DirectWireless Network. This is a dedicated alarm transmission network designed for security, privacy and to specifically handle alarm monitoring.
How does it work?
The DTU3G/IP connects to your Alarm Panel and transmits the information it receives over the Telstra Next G and Optus 3G mobile networks, providing multiple communication paths to the monitoring station and hassle free alarm monitoring for your business.
PM45-3G Permaconn Alarm
The Permaconn PM45-3G connects your Alarm System to the Central Station. It can report on GPRS, 3G and IP which means it will work well in many remote situations and can have a back up to the IP connection if the lines are cut.
Key Features
- Remote Alarm Upload and Download available using GPRS/3G/IP
- Simple Plug and Play Set up
- Works with Most Alarm Panels (Contact ID)
- Low Cost Solution
- Dial SIM + IP Alarm Solution
- 3 Inputs and 3 Outputs
- Small size which enables it to fit in most Alarm Panel enclosures
- Secure VPN within Telstra and Optus Networks
- Uses DHCP to acquire IP address (easy setup)
- Internal Watchdog reset to minimise false alarm call outs
- Can Arm / Disarm, control Gates and lights remotely using Pocket Secure App.

Panel Client Software
The Permaconn PM45-3G Panel Client Software gives you full control over your alarm system using your PC. It communicates with the Permaconn Upload / Download server(s) to give you both control and storage solutions for your Alarm system and data.
Pocket Secure Smartphone App
This handy App allows you to connect to your Alarm System through the Permaconn PG45-3G and communicate various information and controls to your alarm system. This can include arming different zones, turning off lights and even closing gates or garage doors.
Conversely, the Pocket Secure App and the Permaconn PG45-3G allows you to receive data from your alarm system such as alerts, triggers, images and motion. The App also allows you to customise the terms used for each zone, making it easy to use for employees and those not familiar with the alarm system. All actions can be logged so you can keep track of Alarm Events within your business.

Want to know more about Mobile Alarm Products for your Business or Home? Talk to Us Today